Posted on Monday, March 3, 2014:

On Friday evening after work as few of us stopped by the Princess of Shoreditch for a quick pint before I headed over to Charing Cross to meet up with Uns. We had tickets booked with Noel and Megan for The Book of Mormons (which was my birthday present from Una) and had been wanting to see it for ages. They had gone to Angus Steakhouse for dinner but we decided on Bella Italia before meeting up with them in the queue. The Book of Mormon follows two young missionaries who are sent to Uganda to try to convert citizens to the Mormon religion. One missionary, Elder Price, is an enthusiastic go-getter with a strong dedication to his faith, while his partner, Elder Cunningham, is a socially awkward but well meaning nerd whose tendency to embroider the truth soon lands him in trouble. Upon their arrival in Africa, Elders Price and Cunningham learn that in a society plagued by AIDS, poverty and violence, a successful mission may not be as easy as they expected. I had heard quite a bit about it, and everyone had said it was brilliant but I didn't want to get my hopes up in anticipation, but it really was absolutely fantastic. Absolutely amazing show and ridiculously funny. Always good to have a laugh like that. Then after the show we figured we'd pop into TGIF for a cocktail or four before leaving and making our way home.

The Princess of Shoreditch Bella Italia Leicester Square
Book of Mormon
Book of Mormon TGIF Leicester Square

Saturday morning we were up fairly early and after a quick rush around to get ready we made our way over to Victoria to get the coach down to Brighton. Unfortunately the trains were all messed up with engineering works so it strangely enough made more sense to get the coach down, which wasn't actually all that bad, just took a while to get down. After meeting Haig at the station, we headed back to their place and chilled out at home for the afternoon, before taking a walk into Brighton along the seafront which was actually quite nice outside, just a bit chilly. We had driven past MEATliquor earlier on, which had recently opened up in Brighton, so decided on there for dinner. As always, can't fault their burgers and wings! After eating we headed up to Komedia which a popular venue for comedy, music, cabaret and club nights, as well as being home to the Krater Comedy Club. For the night, there were three stand ups and an MC who were all brilliant and definitely worth watching again if they're up in London at some point. I do always love a good night of comedy, and certainly need to organise going a bit more. After the comedy, we made our way through the laines to The Cricketers pub and settled in there for the night.

Meatliquor Brighton Komedia Club Brighton
The Cricketers Brighton The Connaught Pub and Kitchen Hove

Yesterday morning we took a walk down to the seafront, hoping it would be a similar day to Saturday, which unfortunately wasn't with the grey sky and awful coastal wind. So the walk by the beach turned into a search for a pub for a decent Sunday roast. We tried phoning a couple of pubs up on the downs but they were fully booked until late afternoon so we decided on The Connaught Pub & Kitchen which turned out to be a good choice. After our roast there we went back to Haig's place, chilled out a bit then got dropped at the station in time for our train back to London. Always good to get out of London for a weekend, even if it is just for a day or two. Will make another plan to head down again in the summer and hopefully have a couple of days of beach weather then!

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -