Posted on Tuesday, January 28, 2014:

Una and myself had decided to take yesterday off work to have ourselves a day around London, including visiting Mr G to chat about the engagement ring. We started off with a fancy breakfast at Claridges which I'd booked last week. After the show about Claridges last year, Uns had always been keen to go there for breakfast, and since you can't eat there at the weekend if you're not a guest, yesterday seemed the perfect day to visit. Plus it was a lovely and mild crisp day outside, so a good day to take off.

Claridges Claridges

After a good breakfast, we didn't rush to leave there, but rather took our time and soaked up the interior of the building which is one of the finest examples of the Art Deco Style. From there we headed down towards New Bond Street and met up with Carol first who introduced us to Mr G. We landed up spending quite some time with him, going through his collection of diamonds and rings and putting together something we like. Was quite overwhelming the whole thing, but think we came out with a final decision which we're glad is now done and dusted. Next step is waiting to get it made :)

Engagement Ring Design

Afterwards we popped back into Carol and landed up chatting to her for ages before heading down the traffic free courtyard of Lancashire Court and deciding on lunch at the Mayfair Pizza Co. which was really nice, despite the rain that was now coming down outside. After our lunch there we headed up to Selfridges to go look at watches for Uns, which I still owe her from her birthday last year.

Mayfair Pizza Company Selfridges

But after a few minutes inside there we very quickly decided against the shopping idea and decided to move on from there and thought we'd stop in at The Shard for a quick drink to finish the day off. It was only after having gone in there on Friday night I knew about it, and since we were having a fancy London day it made sense to finish off up overlooking London. What started off as a quick drink there turned into six hours, with us having a few in Aqua Shard and a couple in Oblix and then eventually having to dash via McD's to catch the last train home. Certainly a good day off work and even better day around London!

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -