Posted on Monday, December 9, 2013:

After a fairly tame Friday evening at home and a bit of house admin and shopping on Saturday morning, Uns and I set off towards Putney for Jukka's Christmas 2013 at Pettiward Close. Still feels a bit strange going back there, but less than it used to after I'd just moved out though. There really was a good turn out, with about 20 something of us there and SO much food to go around too! Other than over eating and over drinking (like any good Christmas party should be), I also did alright with my secret Santa present, scoring myself a model train set. Not bad at all!

Jukkas Christmas 2013Jukkas Christmas 2013
Jukkas Christmas 2013Jukkas Christmas 2013
Jukkas Christmas 2013Jukkas Christmas 2013
Jukkas Christmas 2013Jukkas Christmas 2013
Jukkas Christmas 2013Jukkas Christmas 2013
Christmas 2013 Model Train Set

Sunday was a bit of a slow and lazy start to the day, with the only plan was to walk over to The Telegraph for one of their Sunday roasts for lunch. Uns, myself and Will made our way there first and later joined by Carol. After lunch, in which we landed up talking about Monty Python, we decided to head home and chill out in front of the TV and watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail, which was a good way to spend a fairly hungover Sunday afternoon.

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -