Posted on Monday, July 22, 2013:

After work on Friday a crowd of us headed down to The Princess of Shoreditch for a few after work as part of Vaughan's birthday drinks where he had tried to organise the entire company to come out. There was a fairly decent turn out, and after one at the Princess we decided to move to the #R3D Market where there'd be more sun and atmosphere. From Shoreditch it was back home with a quick stop in at Steers. I figured I needed to give it a second opinion, that their quality and taste hadn't lowered over the past couple of weeks. The good news is that it hasn't, the bad news is that I'm still not 100% sure so might need another visit still! The last time I was there I overheard at least two different people say you're guaranteed to bump into someone you know at the only Steers in the UK, and this time it just so happened I ran into GC from back in the Wimbledon house. Can't even really say 'small world', kind of expected I guess.

The Princess of ShoreditchR3d Market Shoreditch

Steers Clapham Junction

After Steers I headed home to start packing my room and half the house. Never a fun job, and definitely not made any easier after a few beers and a burger. But after throwing everything into boxes and any backpack or bag I could find, I eventually got there and managed to grab a bit of sleep before the morning when I'd book a 'man with a van' to help with the moving.

The actual move went quicker than I thought, with the loading, driving and unloading all done within an hour and a half - so not bad at all. I still got a bit of cleaning to do back at FTG, but I'll save that for Monday or Tuesday evening... better things to do over a weekend than clean! But at least the actual move is over, now starts the unpacking and sorting which may not be quite as quick.

Queens Road Peckham

After lunch we headed out to Woolwich for Si and Suzie's leaving party. They were originally meant to be having an afternoon braai at FTG, but Si managed to break his foot or toe and has since made him rather useless. So the change of plan meant drinks at the Dial Arch near to Paul and Carol's place. There was a good crowd of us there, except Carol unfortunately, who wasn't feeling well at all. A few drinks in the sun on a Saturday again always goes well down.

Si and Suzie Farewell DrinksSi and Suzie Farewell Drinks
Si and Suzie Farewell DrinksSi and Suzie Farewell Drinks

Si and Suzie Farewell Drinks

Was sad to see them go, but hopefully we'll be able to organise a trip down to Aus one of these days for a bit of a holiday, plus we'll have free accommodation :) After an afternoon and evening well spent at the Dial Arch, Uns and myself grabbed a bite to eat at Nandos then jumped on the bus which conveniently takes us straight home from Woolwich.

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -