Posted on Saturday, June 22, 2013:

On Tuesday it was Fish's birthday and he had organised dinner at Yia Mas in Wandsworth. Apparently they're in the process of selling the restaurant, so unfortunately might be one of the last visits down there, which is a pity. There were about 10 of us that made it down to Wandsworth, so a good turn out for a Tuesday evening. After an awesome meal there, myself, Uns and Luke headed up to Putney Station for a quick post-dinner pint before calling it a night and hopping on the bus home.

Yia Mas Wandsworth

On Thursday for lunch I landed up heading over to Bar Kick with one of the guys from work, after talking about it a couple of weeks back. I was awful at foosball, I knew I wouldn't be all that good, but really didn't contribute all that much to the game. Guess you gotta start off from somewhere again. Hopefully a few more lunch time trips there and it'll all come back to me.

Bar Kick Fussball

Then after work, after meeting up with Uns, we decided to check out the music coming from the old car park in Rivington Street. It turned out to be #R3D Market which is an outdoor venue serving drinks and street food located behind the old Foundry building. It's run by the RED Project Team and are open every Thursday and Friday for the next 8 weeks, with street food, cocktails and a range of DJs and bands to add to the atmosphere. After a walk around there, a beer and a pizza, we stood around watching the live band for sometime who were quite entertaining I guess, before we decided to head off from there. Will certainly head back there, considering it's a minute walk from the office and they're planning on having it every Thursday and Friday evening for most of the summer.

R3d Market Shoreditch New Art Work

R3d Market ShoreditchR3d Market Shoreditch
R3d Market ShoreditchR3d Market Shoreditch

R3d Market Shoreditch

On the way to the station we decided to stop in at the Beard To Tail whiskey bar & restaurant for a sneaky drink before catching the train home. We weren't there all that long, but the two old guys at the bar who had clearly been there since lunch time provided some great entertainment for us, even though they were totally unaware of the whole situation :) After our drink there we made our way to the station and then headed home.

Beard To Tail Shoreditch

Last night we had organised a catch up with the Sponge crowd over at the Bavarian Beerhouse near to Old Street. The beerhouse is designed around a traditional authentic German restaurant and bar offering a variety of German beers and food such as sausages and pork shanks in a rustic Bavarian atmosphere. So after work myself and Andrew made our way there from the office and met up with Amanda, Sula, Tim, Jojo, Kerri, Rob, Matt, Carly and Rich. Turned out to be a fairly good turn out of us there. As expected there were a few steins ordered as well as the odd Jagertrain or two... since they did advertise it as "the best journey of your life". Not so sure about that one to be honest!

Bavarian BeerhouseBavarian Beerhouse Jagerbomb Tray

Think everyone had a really good night there, even though I did leave ahead of everyone else - wasn't entirely keen to have to struggle with taxis or night buses to get me home. I think they landed up staying on quite a bit and even heading back to Matt's house for a few more drinks, which was no doubt going to turn messy. So probably a fairly good call that I left when I did!

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -