Posted on Saturday, May 18, 2013:

After probably over a year since I was last on the mountain bike, I decided I needed to head out this morning and do a bit of off-road cycling. I had originally thought I'd head out to Swinley Forest for the morning, but after being so long since I'd used the bike I figured I should stay more local in case the tyres burst, the chain broke or I'd forgotten how to ride the thing :)

Richmond Park

Cycling Around Richmond ParkRichmond Park Deer
Richmond Park DeerRichmond Park Deer

So instead of Swinley, it was out to Richmond Park and managed a couple of laps around there before deciding the legs had had enough for one day and headed home. It's only a few week's until this year's London to Brighton, so the legs had better start getting used to the cycling!

Tonight I headed out to Uns' place for dinner, and just stayed in. The last few months have honestly been non-stop and action packed, and were both really looking forward to a chilled Saturday night in - really can't remember when last I had one of those!

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -