Posted on Saturday, March 16, 2013:

On Wednesday evening, after leaving work at around 5pm, I met up with Uns at Old Street station and we headed off towards Heathrow, making it there in good time for a bit of duty-free shopping once we had both checked in for our flight. There was a possibility that a friend of hers would be able to upgrade us, but I didn't get my hopes up just in case they weren't able to. But, as mentioned, they had been able to get us an upgrade to the front row of Premium Economy, which was excellent. Once seated, we were each brought a glass of complimentary champagne and got to relax until time for take-off. This sort of service and all the additional leg room is definitely something I could get used to :)

Virgin Atlantic Take Off

After take off and a couple of beers, our dinner was served in good time before the turbulence started, which I had told Uns shouldn't last more than half an hour as we started to pass over the Sahara. What I didn't realise is that five hours later we'd still be bumping along above Africa :( A bit more than the thirty minutes I had predicted. Certainly not my best flight back to Joburg, but we still managed to make it there in good time! Except for the delay once we had taxied in and the ground crew weren't ready for us and made us sit in the parking bay for ages. TIA I guess... TIA!

This Is Africa

On heading through the arrivals, there didn't see to be anyone waiting there for us, which was a bit unusual... I assumed they hadn't forgotten! But then I noticed Bev, who was standing in the sidelines, hiding behind her camera. Apparently mom and dad were there in the airport but still struggling massively to find parking. But they managed to arrive just after we had seen Bev, so didn't land up being all that late after all. Then, as a massive surprise, I noticed little Ethan walking on over and holding Greg's hand, who I really wasn't expecting to have being able to make it through.

Arriving in Joburg Easter 2013Arriving in Joburg Easter 2013
Arriving in Joburg Easter 2013Arriving in Joburg Easter 2013

Once back at the car, we headed on home to drop bags, make a coffee and relax a bit. Grandpa then made his way up to the folks for the afternoon. Uns was struggling to stay awake after hardly sleeping the last few nights, so managed to few hours shut eye during the afternoon. Later that evening we headed up to Greg and Kim's place, which I hadn't yet seen, for a braai and a couple of drinks outside around the fire. Had a really good evening up there, especially the part when Uns fell over in the chair into mom... hilarious :)

SA Easter Holidays 2013 EthanSA Easter Holidays 2013 Ethan

Boerewors on Braai

After a well deserved sleep and bit of a lie in yesterday morning, Greg and Ethan popped round to the folks for a couple of hours, which was time nicely spent with the little guy. They left when it was his sleep and feeding time, so for lunch we decided to head up the road and get the long awaited Steers Burger. And yes, still as good as I remember it being!

Steers Burger

After lunch, we popped up to Greenstone and met Greg, Kim and Ethan at Jimmy Jungle, a kiddies indoor play and party venue. It was very cute watching him play and climb around there... kind of jealous they never had something similar when I was a kid, or even just something that could hold my weight now :) After a while there with them, they were going to make their way home, so Uns and I took a bit of a walk around the centre and stopped by Milky Lane for a lime milkshake and ice-cream. Very tasty!

Jimmy Jungle GreenstoneMilky Lane

After Greenstone, we stopped by the house to grab a warm top, just in case, then headed up to Greg for dinner. Kim had made Spag Bol which was really nice, and we landed up chilling there at their place for a while, until Greg kindly offered to drop us back at the folks. Back home, Uns and I landed up watching the end of the day night cricket match with dad, before calling it a night and grabbing some sleep.

This morning, after a fairly early start, we headed up to Greenstone for a bit of a walk around there, which turned out to mainly be shopping at the Party Store in preparation for the cricket tomorrow. Once done with our fancy dress, Greg called to say they were in Cappuccino's so we stopped by there briefly to say hi, before meeting up with Nic and Kris. We tried to get into Mugg & Bean, but weren't all that keen to stand in the queue for half the morning, so headed up to Woolworths to their coffee shop upstairs.Was good to catch up with Nic and Kris again, rather quick unfortunately, but will make plans when we back from Kruger and Mpumalanga to meet up again properly!

Greenstone Shopping MallCappuccino

Once back home, Grandpa, Paddy, Greg, Kim and Ethan came up for the afternoon for a lunch time braai. Unfortunately Bev's fallen really sick with a chest infection so wasn't able to make it. At least the weather picked up for us - it was looking quite miserable this morning but cleared up nicely for the afternoon. It was a good day outside in the garden and sun, with little Ethan being the centre of attention of course!

SA Easter Holidays 2013 BraaiSA Easter Holidays 2013 Braai
SA Easter Holidays 2013 BraaiSA Easter Holidays 2013 Braai
SA Easter Holidays 2013 BraaiSA Easter Holidays 2013 Braai

Pine Cones Burning

Once everyone had left, Uns and I decided to take the dogs for a walk up and down the road, then we continued our walk around the block without the madness of the two of them! We were meant to go up to Doors with Greg and Kim, but after chilling out at home, the energy levels were almost at zero and so I had to had to change plans and cancel that. Instead we decided to light some pine cones outside in the fire pit and chill out there, watching the fire and pine cones slowly burning. Certainly a good few days to start the holiday!

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from Johannesburg, South Africa -