Posted on Monday, March 11, 2013:

In the week before going on a good two week holiday, there's always so much to try and get done, from buying necessities, ensuring work is up to date, a few gifts here and there, but mainly, catching up with everyone you can, because, you know, it's the thing to do.

On Wednesday night we met up with Noel and Megan over at Yia Mas in Wandsworth, and this time it was second time lucky. The last time we attempted dinner there it looked like they had shut for good, but glad that they're open again. As always, I went for the Lamb Kleftiko and was as tasty as ever! But probably over ate, which always seems to be the problem these days :(

Yia Mas Wandsworth

On Thursday morning I was up early and out to the Camden Town Hall near to Euston to submit my documents towards my British Citizenship, so hopefully that's a start towards getting my long awaited British Passport. Now we just play the waiting game until I hear something back from them.

Application For Naturalisation

On Friday night I opted for a fairly quiet one instead of heading out. I met up with Uns after work for a quick Friday beer over the road at the Hoxton Grill, before making my way over to Euston to the camera shop then finally home to just chill out.

Hoxton HotelHoxton Hotel

On Saturday I was up quite early to meet Haig and Caitlin for breakfast. She had just arrived in the UK on Tuesday only, and they were up for the weekend doing sightseeing and tourist stuff. We decided on Tried & True for breakfast, then I saw then off at the station while I made my way down the high street to a bit of last minute holiday shopping.

Tried and True PutneyPutney High Street

Most of the afternoon was just spent at home, then later on that evening I made my way out to Uns place before trying to meet up with Declan and Jane who were over from Dublin for the weekend. They had met up with Noel and Megan before the Ireland France game and were at the Porterhouse drinking. By the time we got there we couldn't find them anywhere inside or get through to them - guessing just poor signal downstairs wherever they were. The original plan was to have dinner at Wahaca, but couldn't see them in there either!

Porterhouse in Covent Garden

So instead we decided to stop in at La Tasca for a quick drink until we'd manage to locate them, or meet up. But by that time they'd moved in to MEATmarket, so our quick drink turned into a meal of tapas, which was actually really good. I do love a good selection of tapas, and reminded us of our week in the Costa del Sol. Good times :)

La Tasca Covent GardenLa Tasca Covent Garden

Afterwards, we eventually managed to meet up with them downstairs in the cellar bar at Punch & Judy. I'd only ever been upstairs and into the balcony at Punch & Judy, didn't even realise there was a downstairs section to it. We stayed there for a good couple of hours until the bouncers started to usher everyone out, at which point we decided to head to Foundation Bar - a downstairs bar and restaurant just down from Covent Garden.

Punch and Judy Covent Garden

The rest of the night at Foundation was alright, I wasn't quite into the music that they were playing, so didn't really get into the swing of things. But we only landed up staying a hour, at which point they closed down - probably earlier than we all expected. But still, good to catch up with Declan and Jane, even though the dinner plans didn't quite work out as expected.

Foundation Bar Covent Garden

Yesterday was a fairly easy going day, with the weather having taken a turn for the worst, it really wasn't very tempting to want to do much outside. Uns and I decided on a late fry up for brunch, then face the weather outside and head down to B&Q to check out their range of tiles and bathrooms for her house. Once done there, it was back home and indoors, and then just a chilled out Sunday evening, counting down the days until Wednesday evening when we're SA bound... can't wait :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -