Posted on Monday, February 25, 2013:

I decided to skip a week and write this post to cover the past couple of weeks, mainly since not all that much has happened, plus I've been a bit sick (mainly just a head cold) last week so been taking it rather easy.

Two weeks ago on that Thursday we spent the afternoon packing up the office in preparation for our office move up to Old Street. The movers were coming in on the Friday to take everything up to the new office so we just had to get all our stuff into boxes. I also managed to bag myself a couple of new toys, like a little RC Helicopter and a digital photo frame. Might come in handy! Once all packed up, I headed in over to Piccadilly Circus to pick up some Nespresso coffee capsules - but what a pain dealing with that station, not fun at all :(

Moving Office

Then on Friday was the annual PHP Conference which work had organised for most of us to go to. This year was at the The Brewery in Moorgate which was really was a nice venue. The talks themselves were ok, I do think last year was better, but still a few interesting ones. The best part was the stand with the 3D printer - that had most of us captivated for sometime!

Php Conference London 2013 The Brewery Moorgate

After the talks were over, they put in a few complimentary beers for everyone, so stuck around a bit while those were still on offer. There was an official pub that everyone was going to afterwards, but we decided to head over to the new office instead for a couple of beers and some table tennis there. We just assumed the pub would've been rather boring, but table tennis and beers always go down well!

Table Tennis

After a few games and helping the movers get the crates into the office, we decided to stop in at Roadtrip Bar for a quick one before heading over to the Hoxton Square Bar & Kitchen. There were a couple of others from work there, and had a DJ playing so landed up staying there for some time. Afterwards we decided to try Aquarium, but after queuing for a while we got told we weren't going to get in, so there went that idea. So instead we headed back to Roadtrip Bar, where at least we could actually get into. Before long it was well into the night morning so the three of us thought we'd call it a night there, grab a kebab and find us a taxi and bus home.

Hoxton Square Bar and Kitchen Roadtrip and the Workshop

Despite having fairly good intentions to try and make the conference on the Saturday, that never happened. I probably should've gone through, but really couldn't be bothered to move from the couch. Instead of sitting listening to talks, I spent the afternoon on the couch watching the Six Nations and plenty of stand up comedy as well as ordering a take away for dinner :) Definitely the better option!

Lazing About in Front of the TV

On Sunday I headed out to Uns' for lunch first at the Telegraph then back to hers to help out with her assignment and the IT module. It was a fairly quiet afternoon, but glad we got that bit of work done.

Monday and Tuesday were rather quiet days, started to feel like I was coming down with something. Then actually landed up spending all of Wednesday and Thursday at home trying to sleep it off. That seemed to do the trick, but just took it easy on Friday and most of Saturday day. Then Saturday evening I was over at Uns' place, having a celebration dinner and drink to her finishing her assignment. Then yesterday we made our way out to Woolwich Arsenal at the end of the DLR to visit Paul and Carol at their place. They had only just moved in there the previous Saturday but you'd think they'd been there forever - certainly a lovely place they've got for themselves!

Paul and Carols House Royal Arsenal Gatehouse

Dial Arch Woolwich Arsenal

After having out at their's for a bit, we headed back towards the station and stopped in at the Dial Arch pub for one, before Uns and I made our way to the station, homeward bound.

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -