Posted on Thursday, December 27, 2012:

After our drive down from Cork and warm welcoming on Monday, we dropped our bags upstairs and decided to take a quick drive out to Toe Head for a few pictures of The Stags before sunset and our dinner. The Stag Rocks lie a couple of kilometers off the coast of Toe Head and consists of a series of jagged rocks, which have been subject to countless photos over the years I can imagine, and I was more than happy to add a few more into my collection.

West Cork Toe Head the Stags

West Cork Toe Head the StagsWest Cork Toe Head
West Cork Toe HeadWest Cork Toe Head

After snapping away a few pics, we headed back home in time for dinner before getting showered and ready to head out into Skibb. The plan was for a beer or two in the Horse & Hound and then back via their neighbours, John and Joanne, to drop a present off. But that was easier said than done, with them forcing Irish Coffees onto us and not taking no for an answer. The same went for the second drink too! Both of them as bad as each other, but certainly a good laugh down there! Once back at the house, we were on candle duty for Biddy while she headed out, then once back the rest of us made our way up to Teresa's place for Christmas Eve dinner.

West Cork Bawn HouseWest Cork Bawn House

Horse and Hound Pub Skibbereen

After a nice meal up at her place, myself, Uns, Claire and Michael headed into the village to Lil's for just a quick one, a traditional apparently on Christmas Eve, much like mine from the past few years without the Meshawi to follow :)

West Cork Lil Mccarthys

Tuesday was Christmas Day and to start the day I decided to wake up at the crack of dawn to head up to Knockdrum fort for sunrise, before anyone else woke. Well, except Uns, I needed someone to direct to the fort :) So well before sunset we got up, gathered my camera stuff and headed up to the fort in time for Christmas Day sunrise. We were probably a bit too early as it was still dark even when we got to the top, but soon the sky lightened to a shade of blue and then to orange, and I managed to snap a few pictures as the sun started to peep over the horizon.

West Cork Xmas Morning SunriseWest Cork Xmas Morning Sunrise
West Cork Xmas Morning SunriseWest Cork Xmas Morning Sunrise

West Cork Xmas Morning Sunrise

Once the day had broken, we jumped back into the car and headed back to the house for breakfast and a few congrats for getting up so early! After a quick change, Uns and I went over to the local church for the morning mass, and then up to Anthony and Lui and the kids to wish them a happy Christmas. Donnacha had gotten a new skateboard for Christmas so thought I'd show him how to use it, then decided it would be more of an explanation rather than demonstration after my first, and only, attempt to try stand and balance on it. Definitely think my skateboarding days are over! Then it was back down to the house for a good Christmas lunch and very chilled out afternoon around the house, with everyone just relaxing in the front room in front of the TV for the rest of the day.

Yesterday was Family Day Day of Goodwill Boxing Day St. Stephen's Day (as it's known here) which started off with a bit of a sleep in - I wasn't particularly up for another early morning start, so a nice sleep in went down well. The better part of the morning was just spent chilling out around house, until we managed to gather up enough effort and energy and head out for a drive around the roads. We set off in the direction past Cooldurragha and towards Reen until we got to the harbour and a good place to hop out with a stunning view over to Castletownsend.

West Cork Reen Harbour Setting Sun

West Cork Reen HarbourWest Cork Reen Harbour View Towards Castletownshend

From the harbour, we hopped back in the car and make our way through Union Hall and over to the next village, Glandore, which in Irish means 'harbour of the gold'. The coastal drive over there was beautiful, with us stopping a few times along the way for a quick photo break or three. Glandore is apparently a very popular holiday destination particularly for Irish holiday makers.

West Cork Glandore

West Cork GlandoreWest Cork Glandore

When we got to Glandore, after I had snapped a few pictures of the harbour, we decided on coffee and cake at the Glandore Inn to watch the sunset in the distance, then decided it would be best to head back home for dinner.

After dinner, as is custom on St. Stephens Day, we headed into the village for a few drinks with everyone else. The first stop was at Noel's place for a couple, then we all took a walk down to Lil McCarthy's where we stayed the rest of the night. We landed up having quiet few down there which was good fun, before being dropped back at the house.

West Cork Lil Mccarthys XmasWest Cork Lil Mccarthys Xmas

This morning was yet another real early start, despite the head not being in the best state, but knew I may not get another morning to snap the sunrise. So once again before the crack of drawn I was up and out the house, this time on my own, and again up to Knockdrum fort. It was much the same sunrise as on Christmas morning, but wanted to concentrate on a more panoramic shot with less blue in it :) Think I managed that among the hundreds I landed up taking!

West Cork St Spethens Morning SunriseWest Cork St Spethens Morning Sunrise
West Cork St Spethens Morning SunriseWest Cork St Spethens Morning Sunrise
West Cork St Spethens Morning SunriseWest Cork St Spethens Morning Sunrise

Once back home, I started looking over the photos which turned into me resting my head then into having a mud morning nap. Don't think the body's quite used to these early morning starts. But after waking up and having a decent breakfast, I was back on form ready to face the day!

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from West Cork, Ireland -