Posted on Monday, October 8, 2012:

After months of trying to organise and settle on a date, we eventually all agreed on last Friday for out work dinner and drinks night out. We booked a table at the Blues Kitchen in Camden for the six of us and headed out there after work. They specialise in ribs, steaks, chicken wings and bourbon. And of course jazz and blues. The lot of certainly didn't hold back with the ribs and pulled pork helpings, along with a constant stream of Knob Creek bourbon. I'm not usually a whiskey/bourbon drinker, but easier enough to make an exception on nights out like those. Think the bill totalled up rather heavily, but at least none of that had to come out to my pocket! Love a good work sponsored night out :)

The Blues Kitchen Camden

On Saturday I just spent the day at home taking it easy after my Friday night out. Then that evening, I met up with Uns and we made our way over to the Tate Modern where we had booked dinner at the restaurant which is located on the 6th floor. I've always wanted to try out the restaurant or bar at the Tate, so we decided Saturday was a good night to book a table and dinner there. En route to the Tate, we stopped off at the Swan by the Globe for a quick pre-drink then headed over and up to the 6th floor. The view from the restaurant was amazing, and with it being a fairly clear night on Saturday there were stunning views up and down the river of London at night. The food itself was excellent, and you don't really mind paying a bit extra for a meal like that with those sort of views. Hopefully we'll be back fairly soon for another dinner there!

Tate Modern Restaurant

Tate Modern RestaurantTate Modern Restaurant

I recently joined us with an online group who organise occasional photo walks around various areas in London, and yesterday's walk was around the Brick Lane area. It was my first one of the sort, even though they've been doing this for a number of years by the sounds of it, I thought I'd give it a go and see what it was all about. By the sounds of it the walks are for anyone really with a camera to come along and join a group of others snapping shots of a specific area either in the group or individually. It's been a while since I was last around the Brick Lane area during the day, usually only head out that way in the evening in search of a curry.

Brick Lane PhotowalkBrick Lane PhotowalkBrick Lane Photowalk
Brick Lane PhotowalkBrick Lane PhotowalkBrick Lane Photowalk
Brick Lane PhotowalkBrick Lane PhotowalkBrick Lane Photowalk
Brick Lane PhotowalkBrick Lane Photowalk
Brick Lane PhotowalkBrick Lane Photowalk
Brick Lane PhotowalkBrick Lane Photowalk
Brick Lane PhotowalkBrick Lane Photowalk

The photo walk turned out a bit different to how I first imagined it. It was more a free for all walk, with a designated start and end point and basically anything goes in between that. I started off with the group and somehow managed to lose them all fairly quickly, but that didn't distract me too much from snapping away a few pictures here and there. I think a few of them came out alright, never that easy taking photos with that many people around, but I guess that's half the challenge in street photography. Was good to walk around there again, between the street markets, the performers, the people and the various shops, I'll definitely make an effort to head back there in the summer time again for a good part of an afternoon.

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -