Posted on Tuesday, May 22, 2012:

With the weather last week being nice and sunny I managed a few evening cycles after work, mainly around Richmond Park and Putney. Friday night was my night off and just chilling out at home. Seamus popped around briefly and him, myself and Si decided to head over to the Arab Boy for a couple of Friday night beers, nothing too crazy.

Cycling Around Richmond Park Arab Boy Putney

On Saturday day I was just down the high street to do a bit of house shopping for the new place, then that evening was the house warming party up at the Stables. The guys has been there a month or so but had yet to organise a proper house party, so Saturday night it was. The theme was 'a day at the races' so this was perfect to eventually buy myself the horse mask I always wanted!

The Stables Day at the Horse Races Party

The night and the party were awesome, and the horse mask went down brilliantly. Most people got dressed up, mainly in formal wear, as you do with the horses. But a good, fun and messy night!

Sunday was a lot quieter, with us at home deciding to have a post-party braai down at ours. It was just Luke and Ally that came down, no one else managed to make it down. So for the first braai in the new house, think we did alright - so much better having the outside area straight out off the house instead of out the back of the house.

Braai at Pettiward Close

The rest of the afternoon was pretty chilled out and just lazed around the house that evening. Yesterday was a bit of a struggle to get back into the swing of things at work, but clearly a good sign of a decent weekend! As they say 'work hard, play hard' and trying my best to live up to that phrase :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -