Posted on Monday, March 26, 2012:

For the first time this year we actually had a nice sunny weekend, which felt like summer was on it's way. I still think we've got sometime before that actually happens, but good to make the most of it. On Saturday, after being around Putney for the day, it was off to Nandos in Clapham for dinner before heading on over to Claire's house warming party in Tooting. She had bought herself a new place earlier on in the year and was having everyone over to celebrate, and of course, catch up.


Greenwich Park SquirrelsGreenwich Park Squirrels

Yesterday, with the nice summer-feeling still over London, Uns and myself headed out to Greenwich Park and took a walk around there while I snapped a few pictures of the park and the squirrels. Was quite nice to have a fairly relaxing weekend, especially after the last one in Valencia, I could do with a bit of downtime, which is exactly what this weekend was all about!

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -