Posted on Monday, February 27, 2012:

Thursday evening was a wicked dinner at Shaka Zulu, in Camden. I had gotten us a decent Groupon voucher for a the course meal there, so Thursday was the night. I think I've written about Shaka Zulu before the last time I went, so won't repeat the whole write up about the place again, but as before the food was delicious, and very South African!

Shaka Zulu CamdenShaka Zulu Camden
Shaka Zulu CamdenShaka Zulu Camden

Shaka Zulu Camden

On Friday I had a work conference out in Angel - it was the annual PHP conference over two days out at the Business Design Centre near to Angel tube station. I was originally set on only going the Friday, and not too bothered by having to go in on a Saturday, but everyone else in the office opted for both days, so Friday and Saturday is was. The conference itself was OK, some interesting talks, some pretty boring ones, but in general was an interesting day out - better than sitting in the office I guess. After the day's talks and discussions, we all headed out to Wenlock and Essex pub which was just down the road - it was the official 'after party' drinking venue of the conference, so plenty of people from there headed across. There was a tab put behind the bar which was great, so I stayed for a few before heading to Una's place for dinner with Noel, Dan and Will. As expected, that involved a few frozen margaritas and a bit of wine and some beers in between the food :) But a good, fun night after a fairly nerdish day out.

Business Design Centre in AngelWenlock and Essex Islington

On Saturday, day two of the conference, started off with me feeling a bit sorry for myself. So it wasn't the earliest start to the day and decided to skip the first talk of the conference and got in a bit later than I did the Friday. But managed to slot in unnoticed I'm sure. We stayed around for a few here and there, and then all make a wise decision to duck out early. Think we'd done enough time there for a weekend.

Saturday evening was a triple birthday bash, a 90th party or rather three 30th's combined - those being Duncan, Laurie and Tamsen (who was over from South Africa to celebrate her birthday), who's actual birthdays are three or four days apart, so it made sense they celebrate them all together. Plus, Duncs and Laurie had just moved into their new flat near to Kennington Station, so it was a combined birthday and house warming all in one. I got there a bit later than most of the others due to the conference, but was good to catch up and see everyone out!

Aqua River Brasserie Vauxhall

Yesterday morning started off with a breakfast at Noel's place for Uns and myself. He offered for us to head around and grab a breakfast / brunch at his place, so that started off the Sunday well. The rest of the day was just around the house and high street, then later in the afternoon Una and myself headed through to Vauxhall to the Aqua River Brasserie bar right on the river by St George Wharf. The view from there was brilliant overlooking the river and the slowly setting sun. I could imagine it being wicked in summer with the long days and the late setting sun. Something to put into the calendar for later in the year :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -