Posted on Friday, February 17, 2012:

Tuesday was Valentine's Day so to celebrate it I met up with Uns at Platform Bar by London Bridge for a drink after work then headed to hers for dinner.

Platform Bar London Bridge

Last night I had tickets to the London Prepares Track Cycling at the new Olympic velodrome in Stratford. They were doing a series to test runs at various venues before the Olympics to test things out I guess. I never managed to get anything for the Aquatics Centre, but was lucky enough to get for the cycling.

London Prepares Olympic VelodromeLondon Prepares Olympic Velodrome
London Prepares Olympic VelodromeLondon Prepares Olympic Velodrome
London Prepares Olympic VelodromeLondon Prepares Olympic Velodrome

It was myself, Una, Si and Noel that went through, and I was certainly well impressed with the venue. It was built to be extremely energy efficient - rooflights reduce the need for artificial lights, and natural ventilation reduces the need for air condition. Rain water is also collected, which reduces the amount of water used from the municipal water system. The building inside was ultra cool and modern. In the actual cycling, Team GB were doing really well and had the full support of the crowd, until right at the end when the Aussies, who were last out on the night, managed to better their time and pip them to a win right in the final few seconds. Bloody Australians! Anyway, a good night out, and a taste of things to come for the Olympics later in the year!

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -