Posted on Monday, January 2, 2012:

Firstly, a very happy 2012 to everyone! What happened to last year? Seriously? To see last year to a close, we had organised pre New Year's Eve drinks at FTG to start off with, followed by a night out at as the ever awesome, Power Ballads :-) People started arriving at ours from about 6ish I guess, with drinks and snacks to start off with. Once everyone was in full swing, we headed down to the Railway for their Jaegar special, then onto the tube towards the Scala for a night of power ballads rock!

End of 2011Jagerbombs

The night, as always, was awesome. Everyone was in good form, the music was brilliant and the place certainly rocked. With the tube running all night and being free, it made for a pleasant change getting home instead if fighting for night buses or negotiating with cabs.

Power Ballads New Years Eve 2011

Power Ballads New Years Eve 2011Power Ballads New Years Eve 2011
Power Ballads New Years Eve 2011Power Ballads New Years Eve 2011
Power Ballads New Years Eve 2011Power Ballads New Years Eve 2011
Power Ballads New Years Eve 2011Power Ballads New Years Eve 2011

Power Ballads New Years Eve 2011

Then, as can be expected, the whole of the yesterday was spent lazing at home on the couch watching TV with pizza - don't think any of us managed to move from the lounge the entire day. Today was much the same, a bit less housebound, but still took it easy, before the awful though of back to work tomorrow, which I really could do without. But anyway, here's to the start of a brand new year...

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -