Posted on Monday, December 19, 2011:

On Wednesday night we decided on an FTG Christmas dinner down at Yia Mas, since we hasn't been there in ages and all love the place, well except Si, who hadn't been there before. And as always, a good meal living up to it's expectation. And then on Thursday it was out to another pre-Christmas dinner with Uns to friends of hers, Gary and Dan, out near Forest Hill.

Yia Mas Wandsworth

Friday was our work Christmas Party at the Namco Funscape, just next to the London Eye, and is the largest amusement arcades in London. We had our own private area when a good selection of finger foods and drinks from the bar. Plus there were the pool tables, a decent fussball machine as well as bumper cars upstairs which went down a treat. Something you don't get bored with too easily or quickly!

Namco Funscape

Namco FunscapeNamco Funscape

After Namco a small crowd of us headed over to Leicester Square and into The Verve club which had been pre arranged beforehand. It definitely wasn't the greatest club around, but there were enough of us from work to make it enjoyable. I stayed a few hours before calling it quits and making my way home via the nightbus, which was just as entertaining as the club.

The Verve Leicester Square

Saturday was yet another Christmas themed day with Una having organised the Twelve Pubs of Christmas pub crawl around the Clapham area. Not quite the best plan for me, but my 'fear of missing out' helped me get there in time :) We started out at The Falcon by Clapham Junction station and we wound our way through The Lavender, The Calf, Grafton House, then The Sun amongst others near to the Common, then over to The Merchant, The Goat and finally the Northcote. Where we all finished up over a good twelve pubs (of Xmas). Very festive of us :)

Twelve Pubs of Xmas RouteTwelve Pubs of Xmas
Twelve Pubs of XmasTwelve Pubs of Xmas
Twelve Pubs of XmasTwelve Pubs of Xmas
Twelve Pubs of XmasTwelve Pubs of Xmas
Twelve Pubs of XmasTwelve Pubs of Xmas

It was a good fun pub crawl, even though I started out a bit fragile from the Friday night, but worked out well in the end! As they say it's only Christmas once a year so best make the most of it!

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -