Posted on Monday, November 7, 2011:

Friday night and Saturday day were just fairly quiet ones, had nothing planned other than chill out at home. There were plans to head down to Lewes on Saturday afternoon, but between the miserable weather and the limited train options, it just seemed more of a pain that anything else. I've been really keen to head back down there after Haig and I were there back in 2008, but just haven't managed it since. However, there were enough London venues putting on a fireworks display so we decided on Battersea Park. My first bonfire night back in 2006 was also at Battersea and remember that being fairly impressive.

There were a few of us out for the night, me, Si, Loz Paul, Carol, Will, Uns and Noel. We all met around 7pm and headed to a fairly decent viewing shot in Battersea Park and waited for the 'show' to start. It began fairly poorly and without much to get excited about, but slowly it picked up and got bigger, louder and more explosive. It went on for quite some time and finished up with an awesome grand finale which made up for it!

Bonfire Night 2011Bonfire Night 2011
Bonfire Night 2011Bonfire Night 2011

Bonfire Night 2011

But then the fun and games really started when we tried to leave. With thousands and thousands of people all bottlenecked through a few exits, we were never going to get out quickly. But eventually we made it out over Battersea Bridge and down to Fulham and decided on the Imperial Arms for a post-fireworks beer. Once the crowd had disposed, we jumped on a bus back and headed back home.

Imperial Arms Fulham

Yesterday was a real nice lazy day at home, with nothing happening other than a good sleep in and some random TV watching. In the eve we headed down to the Dukes Head by the river for a decent roast for dinner which hit the spot after a hectic day of doing very little.

The Dukes Head

Today I had a days leave so spent the day at home sorting out my camera photos and general admin things around the house. Nothing all that exciting but better than the thought of having had to go to work. Plus its now only a four day week coming up. Not bad at all!

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -