Posted on Friday, September 2, 2011:

The last few evenings were all around Peckham area, starting out on Wednesday, Una and I tried to head over to Frank's Cafe and Campari Bar, which was unfortunately closed due to some private corporate event, which was a pity considering the incredible sunset that night. Instead we headed around to Bar Story - an alternative bar underneath Peckham Rye train station, with film nights, DJs, live music, cocktails and has a very modern European atmosphere and feel to it. Then after Bar Story, we headed over to New Cross and onto Skehans Pub, which has an amazing Thai restaurant - Chai's Garden - out in the back yard. So we decided to stay there for dinner, outside in the fairly quaint Thai style wooden huts which were positioned in and around the garden, slightly away from the main restaurant. A really good concept for a restaurant I thought.

Bar Story in Peckham Skehans Irish Pub
Chais Thai Garden Restaurant Chais Garden Thai Restaurant

Then last night, I was meant to meet up with the Sponge crowd for our usual catch up, but between a few people unable to make it or not responding, we decided to cancel that and make it another night instead. So we tried Frank's pop up bar again, and this time it was open. The pop up bar forms part of some South East London sculpture project, and is a temporary bar and restaurant on top of a multi-storey car park nearby Peckham Rye. The entrance to it is around the back of the cinema and up to the roof of the car park via a combination of lifts, stairs and ramps, which suddenly opens up with an amazing panoramic view of the city. Overlooking the skyline of London, we stayed up there for a beer and a few decent photos of the city before heading back down for some dinner.

Franks Pop Up Bar Franks Pop Up Bar
The Rye in Peckham The Meatwagon at the Rye

From Franks, a short walk down the road took us to The Rye pub and hotel, which is now the home of MEATwagon for the summer - basically a pop up burger restaurant which calls itself 'Guerilla Dining' in London, and the concept is rather interesting where they move around from one venue to the next and set up shop restaurant there for a period of time, currently it's The Rye. So dinner for the night was obviously a burger, and definitely lived up to it's much talked about standard. So no complaints there. After a few nights of being out and about, had no plans for tonight, just at home tonight, having a fairly chilled out, easy evening at home.

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -