Posted on Thursday, August 18, 2011:

Week number two for the folks in London, and as before, the plan was to let them do their sightseeing during the day and I meet up in the evening after work. On Monday evening after work, they were down the bottom end of Fleet Street, so I headed over the Millennium Bridge, past St. Pauls and met them at the Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese for a beer and bite to eat - still one of the better and older pubs to head to.

Ye Olde Cheshire CheeseYe Old Cheshire Cheese

On Tuesday they had headed out for the day down to Eton and Windsor, and after grabbing something to eat down there, weren't expected back into London until rather late that evening - so I used that as a good excuse for a quick stop at the pub after work, which turned into a mini pub crawl with Uns around the London Bridge area, starting at the Anchor, then over to the Mudlark and ending up at Platform One bar. And finally a quick stop at Burger King, obviously, before calling it a night. Unplanned for a Tuesday night, but its those random nights which work out best.

The Anchor London BridgeThe Mudlark London Bridge

Platform Bar London Bridge

Then yesterday, since I hadn't seen the folks the night before, met up with them at lunch time at Katzenjammers, just next to Borough. Can't really complain about a Paulaner and Jager Schnitzel for lunch! That evening, in keeping with the multicultural eating and drinking, decided on the Irish option, and met up at Waxy O'Connors nearby Leicester Square, which I still find a fascinating pub after all these years - and settled on a nice, cold Guinness but were all too full still from lunch to think about wanting to eat there.

KatzenjammersWaxy O Connors

Then tonight we decided to keep it local around Putney and headed to Friends Cafe for some Thai for dinner, which was just as delicious as all the other times I've had it - definitely one of the better places around the area for Pad Thai in my opinion.

Friends Cafe Putney

Its been a good week with the parentals, and definitely no shortage of drinking and eating out. I'm off tomorrow for the weekend down sailing off around Southampton, but more of that when I'm back. Watch this space...

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -