Posted on Monday, August 15, 2011:

Saturday was Si's big 30th birthday pub crawl... in the form of Pub Golf. The idea behind pub golf is quite similar to normal golf, but instead of 9 or 18 holes, they're replaced with pubs and bars, starting off at the first hole pub and making our way around Putney, Wandsworth and Fulham through all 18 stops throughout the day.

Pub Golf Score Card

Saturday morning we started off with everyone meeting at our place for sausage and bacon sandwiches to prepare the stomach for the day ahead. After a good breakfast we headed up Putney Hill to the Green man for the first stop of the day, with official tee-off being at 10h30. Not so early for golf, but early enough for pub golf! Once everyone was done with that hole, which was a drink of choice, it was a quick walk down to the Railway, for the second hole of the day - a nice and easy par 5.

Si Birthday Pub GolfSi Birthday Pub Golf

From the railway we continued down Putney high street to the Coat & Badge, the Jolly Gardener and then onto the Spencers Arms - who have a great outdoor sitting area in the park. Needless to say a quick game of mini golf was required in the park, despite the strange looks from some of the mature people around us. Unless their look was one of jealousy wanting to join in...

Si Birthday Pub GolfSi Birthday Pub Golf

From there we made our way along the river, to the Half Moon, Bricklayers Arm, Rocket and then onto Wahoo Bar and the Normanby (a slight variation in the scoring system) to watch the SA vs Australia rugby game, which didn't work out so well in our favour. Anyway, from there we made our way down to the Grand Union, where we could've spent the rest of the day lying in the hammocks out at the back. Here we also organised a cake for Si and his group present of a voucher for a new guitar. Not that he remembers much of it all.

Si Birthday Pub GolfSi Birthday Pub Golf
Si Birthday Pub GolfSi Birthday Pub Golf

A fair walk to the next hole, the Ship, and it was from that point the group started to fall apart and all took a bit of a downward turn. I think it was the beer pong which triggered that. But from there we headed over to the bridge, and instead of the Waterfront, landed up at The Hurlingham Pub & Kitchen, yet another slight detour from the score card. From there we made our way back to Putney - teeing off from the Duke on the Green, Aragon House, the Durrell Arms (which a few of us missed), the Temperance and finally denied a game at the Larrick, much to everyone's annoyance, especially the bouncer I'm sure.

Putney Thai Square

Finally, to finish up the long day of golf, we headed over to Thai Square, who welcomed us all with open arms, for some or other reason. I guess that's why we still go there. After some time there on the dance floor, a quick stop by KFC for a bite to eat, and then finally home, after almost 13 hours on the course.

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -