On Thursday night I headed out with Uns to Peckham and onto the Montague Arms, a real quirky little pub with a fantastic layout and decor covering the walls - a strange mixture of nautical bits and pieces mixed with stuffed animals. Run by an old couple for apparently the past 40 years, it really does have some character about it.
Then on Friday was a Tooting curry night at Mirch Masala, which we haven't been to since my birthday, and Al and Jen hadn't yet been, so that was a good night as always. The food there never fails to impress. The weather was as miserable as you can get, so the thoughts of going out afterwards didn't seem all that appealing, so called it a night after dinner and headed back home.
Saturday was a mix of birthdays and an engagement party. We started off mid afternoon around at Luke's place for a bbq which luckily the weather held out for, then early evening, Si and I left the party and headed out to Richmond for a combined engagement party for Marty and Sophie, as well as Soph's birthday. Was good to catch up with a few of the other usual crowd out, and stayed on there later than what I had expected to, and then headed on back to Luke's place for a while before leaving Luke and Al to carry on, while the rest of us decided it was home time when the birds started to wake. Yesterday was a pretty lazy day at home, but still a good weekend of eating and socialising.