Posted on Saturday, February 26, 2011:

Last night was yet another instalment of the Power Ballad Nights at the Scala, I think the third one now I've been to. And as before, always a good night out. We started out first at the Big Chill House, just next to Kings Cross station, and slowly everyone started arriving and meeting up with us there. Then we all heading over to Scala just after 9pm for a few air grabs, inflatable guitar strumming and of course, mullets and neon. Nice.

Power Ballads Feb11Power Ballads Feb11
Power Ballads Feb11Power Ballads Feb11
Power Ballads Feb11Power Ballads Feb11

Power Ballads Feb11

Other than Lozzie picking up a 'stage diving falling' ankle injury and a bit of a mission to get to the bus, the night was good with some classic power ballads rocking the dance floor. Got some pretty early this morning, so definitely not a night I can do too often, but always good when they do some around! The FTG crew are off now to Richmond to go find somewhere to watch the rugby, England vs France, and then head over to Marty and Sophie's place for dinner along with Paul and Carol, so should be a good evening.

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -