Posted on Thursday, February 17, 2011:

Last night, Rob Zombie kicked off his first tour of the UK in 12 years, starting at the Brixton Academy. I met up with Gav, Ben and Monique beforehand for a bite to eat near the station, then headed on over to the Academy, unfortunately missing out on seeing Skindred opening the act, but in plenty time to grab a Guinness and get near the front for quite an amazing show.

Rob Zombie at Brixton

Rob Zombie at BrixtonRob Zombie at Brixton
Rob Zombie at BrixtonRob Zombie at Brixton

During the set, they played just about all their hits non stop, including a few classics from his White Zombie days, which went down well with the crowd. The show included fire, biomechanical robots, skeletons, Frankensteins, Nazi costumes, bubblegum balloons and marching band monsters. On lead guitar was John 5 who managed to sneak in the intro to Sweet Dreams as well as play a decent 5 minute guitar solo. Definitely one of the better Brixton gigs I've been to, and at last got to see White Rob Zombie live.

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -