Yesterday morning was a fairly early start heading off to the airport, where I met up with Giulz, Jo and Julie before we hopped on board the flight to Livingstone. Chuck was on a later flight and planned on meeting him there. None of us had been up to Zambia before, so was all fairly new and exciting. Joburg's weather was pretty lousy - rain, cold and overcast. Arriving in Livingstone, we were greeted with hot, dry and perfectly clear skies. Once meeting up with our shuttle service, we were taking to our hostel in town, and could definitely notice how third-world the country was. The hostel itself seemed really nice though.
After checking in and signing up for the activities for the week, we were picked up and taking to the river for an evening booze cruise down the Zambezi. The cruise was about two hours in total, an hour down the river and then an hour back. We stopped a couple of times for a croc on the side who then joined us next to the boat, as well as hippos scattered all the way down the river side. Was a fairly chilled out cruise, but a good start to the week.
After the cruise we caught the lift back to the hostel and chilled out there in the evening around the bar area for a couple of evening beers with a bit of pool and table tennis, then managed to get a good night's sleep before hitting the Vic Falls today.