Posted on Friday, December 10, 2010:

Today was something difference which I wasn't able to do the last time I was out in SA, and that's catch the Gautrain, which only opened in June of this year, just in time for the World Cup. The only route currently open is from the airport to Sandton, with stops at Rhodesfield and Marlboro on it's way. Greg, Kim and myself heading off this morning to Rhodesfield, where we left the car and jumped on board the train towards Sandton.



I hadn't looked up too much info about the train prior to today, but I was definitely impressed with the whole experience and trains themselves. Reminded me 100% of the rail network in London, just a different colour scheme. The trains don't mess around, with speeds up to 160km/h and a fairly lengthy underground section, with Sandton's station being 45m underground. All very impressive! We spend a few hours in Sandton, grabbed some lunch and did a bit of shopping, before getting the train back to Rhodesfield.

Greg and Me

This evening, the Lundies arrived and were staying for the weekend. Managed to spend some time at home catching up with them before Greg arrived for a quick beer, then he and I headed back to his place, where the guys from the band came round for a braai and some beers. It was a fairly chilled night, mainly with the others catching up on old times and listening to some of the original band recordings. We also managed to plan the day tomorrow, starting off with a Wimpy breakfast nice and early, so looking forward to that...

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from Johannesburg, South Africa -