On Thursday night it was just too cold outside to do anything, with the max temperature hardly even been in the positive figures and everywhere still covered in snow and ice. Even the thought of hurrying to get to a pub or restaurant seemed like too much effort. So instead just chilled at home with the others in front of the TV and some wine, which seemed the best option.
Then yesterday was my last day of work, which was a long time coming. I think just because I knew I was working up towards a month long holiday, the last couple of weeks have taken forever to get here. Plus the cold hasn't helped either! But at last it's here and I finished up last night and closed my laptop until early January - it's a good feeling :) After work, met up with Una at Platform One bar by London Bridge for an evening beer and then headed over to Peckham for some pizza and a bit of wine to warm up!
Today I was meant to meet up early with Keithy who was over in London for the weekend, but with train delays and cancellations, he only got into Putney around 15h00, a whole lot later than expected. But still good to catch up. I'm now all packed and sorted, and we're just about to head down to the Fox on the High Street to catch the second half of the Barbarians and then off to the airport for the flight back to sunny SA! See you on the flip side :)