Posted on Sunday, May 23, 2010:

Yesterday was the London IRB Sevens at Twickenham as well as being one of the warmest days in London this year - which made for a fantastic day out at the rugby. The tournament goes on the whole weekend, but we decided to only get Saturday tickets - but after a full day there yesterday, could definitely have done with another day in the stands cheering on the teams and enjoying the festivities.

London SevensLondon Sevens

There were seven of us who had tickets together, and got to the stadium around 11am yesterday, and the games went on until almost 7pm last night - with a total of 24 games played during the day. Kenya were one of the participating teams and they had incredible support - other than their supports, everyone else cheered them on when their home team weren't playing. Made for some good rugby - especially when they drew against New Zealand 19-19 in the second last game of the day.

London Sevens

London SevensLondon Sevens

London Sevens

I think next year we'll definitely go both days - hopefully the weather will be identical to what it is this year, but you never can tell. And then one of these days, it has to be Hong Kong Sevens - that's meant to be insane! But good to have been to the London Seven's for now!

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -