Posted on Thursday, April 22, 2010:

Had a week with a bit of difference, compared to the other usual predictable weeks. Monday night was just an easy one, didn't get up to much. But then on Tuesday I gave Spinning a go (indoor cycling/exercise). I figured it wouldn't be all that bad, considering I do a bit of cycling, and afterwards I realised I couldn't have been more wrong. Seriously! Done it once - would take a LOT of convincing to go again. Not something I call fun.

Spinning Class

Then last night, went through to Camden Town to sit in the audience for an Improv Acting class. Marty does some improv workshop classes, and last night was their final night and they put on a show for a few people to attend, which was a good laugh. I expected it to be more awkward and a bit cringeworthy at times, but actually had a good laugh.


Just having an easy one at home tonight. The weekend is meant to have some more good weather, so should be a good outdoor drinking and sun weekend, we hope.

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -