Posted on Saturday, April 17, 2010:

After work last night, headed down to Soho for a few drinks at Zebranos for Amanda's birthday, and met up with quite a few of the old work crowd. But didn't stay too long there before making my way to Kings Cross to The Fellow pub, just down the road from the Scala for a few pre-drinks, where I met up with Keith who managed to ensure a 13 hour series of train journeys from Germany instead of his originally planned 1.5hr flight. Good effort.

Zebrano Soho

From the pub, it was only the Scala and the Ultimate Power Ballads - 'the best night of your life' according to their website. And that's what last night involved - a lot of power ballads and even more fancy dress. It was Donna and Kezia's farewell, and had planned a big group of us to get involved in a bit of power ballad action at the Scala, Kings Cross which they do once every couple of months. Know a few people who have been before, and last night was our turn to see what it was all about!

Ultimate Power Ballads

Ultimate Power BalladsUltimate Power BalladsUltimate Power Ballads
Ultimate Power BalladsUltimate Power Ballads
Ultimate Power BalladsUltimate Power Ballads

Was definitely a brilliant night. So many mullets, neon headbands, armbacks, neon tights, inflatable guitars, inflatable microphones, air grabbing, air guitar, bad singing and proper rocking out. I do feel I am guilty of the majority, if not all of those, but what a night. And the music was nothing but cheese. No doubt I'm sure I'll be back there in the next few months, fancy dress and all again!

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -