Last night Keith was meant to arrive and the initial plan was to head out to Clapham for Donna and Kezia's farewell dinner. But with some volcano over in Iceland erupting this week and disruption the odd flight or two, meant Keithy is only on his way to London today. However, met up with Charlie and headed over to Clapham and to Mien Tay - a Vietnamese restaurant up Lavender Hill. Never been there before, but as it always the case with Vietnamese food, it was good. And being BYO - made it even that bit better.
We finished up with dinner around 11ish, and being a Thursday night with work today, the sensible thing would have been to head home then. But sensible and realistic go always go too well together. So off we went to Bar Social across the road for a drink or two.
We landed up staying there a couple of hours, until it closed, and caught the bus home from there, which wasn't too much of a mission. Feeling pretty tired today, and looking back I probably should've left when most of the others did, but my FOMO (fear of missing out) kicked in and left it impossible to say no and turn down an offer to head out, even if it was just across the road :)