Posted on Thursday, March 4, 2010:

Last night was our work's delayed Xmas party. We were meant to have one back at some point around the end of December, but with the few snow days we had then meant those people who don't live in London had problems getting in and had to cancel. So with most people not able to make it, decided to try have it last night.

We started off with a couple at the Hope, and then made our way across to Knightsbridge to Ciro's Pomodoro - some over priced Italian place, which was your typical Chelsea / Knightsbridge venue. The pizza itself was good, but smaller and double the price of anything you'd get at Pizza Express I guess.

Ciros Pomodoro

Had a fairly good night, not quite as good as other work night outs have been, but free dinner and free beer is always welcome. Once the bosses (and company credit card) had left, we thought about making our way to a more regular pub, but being Knightsbridge, not really much around and decided to call it a night. Actually managed to catch one of the last district line trains home, which is very unlike a work Xmas party. But also means I don't feel too rough around the edges today :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -