Had a bit of a gap in the updates last week. After getting back from Germany, my rather (then) insignificant cold/flu turned into a fairly bad chest infection which had me off work for the second half of last week. Hence nothing but sleep and some rest over the weekend.
On Tuesday got back into a bit of squash again, which wasn't my best game, guessing not quite fully back to health. Then on Wednesday night headed down to Putney to Wagamama's for dinner, and then followed by Invictus. I enjoyed the nostalgia and the memories going back to '95, but I thought the actual cinematography of it all was pretty lame.
Then last night was yet another work leaving party, this time it was Sula's and after starting off at the Hope for a couple of pints, we headed over to Thirst in Soho for some cocktails, jägerbombs and beers. We did have plans to make our way to the Roxy, but landed up staying on at Thirst until some crazy hour this morning.
Needless to say feeling a bit rough and having a rather slow day. Planning on a fairly easy one at home tonight, then got a pretty massive drum 'n bass party tomorrow with Renegade Hardware. Gonna be good...