Posted on Wednesday, January 20, 2010:

After a couple of weeks of laziness, I decided it was time to get into my new years resolutions this week. So it was back to the gym on Monday, and could feel that it's been a while since I was last there. But hopefully after a week or so, I'll be back into the swing of it again.

Gym Treadmill

Yesterday morning headed down to Wimbledon to the DVLA to exchange my SA licence for a UK one, a process which I should've done ages ago but considering my old one was coming up to expiry within the next year weeks, thought it best to get done now. So that should arrive within the next couple of weeks. Then all's that left to get is my passport - a process, unfortunately, not quite as easy as the license was.

Drivers License

Back off to the gym tonight, gotta keep the beefcake routine going, otherwise it'll just fade to nothing. And then it's back to squash next week, and if all goes to plan, also a bit of cycling, before I forget how to :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -