Posted on Sunday, January 10, 2010:

Friday evening I headed off south west down to Greenwich and met up with Gav at his place. We knocked back a few beers, headed down to the pub for something to eat, then over to the O2 and onto matter. Friday night was hosts to Hospitality Records - another London based drum and bass record label. The only photos I could find online were the official "" photos:

Hospitality at MatterHospitality at Matter
Hospitality at MatterHospitality at Matter
Hospitality at MatterHospitality at Matter

After getting some sleep Saturday morning, we took a walk into Greenwich, despite the cold and snow blizzards. The snow around Greenwich was a lot more impressive than what we had in town or even around the south-west, and the park was packed with people sledging and boarding down the slopes.

Gav in Greenwich Snow

Greenwich SnowGreenwich Snow

After getting some lunch and a beer, headed home with the intensions of getting some sleep. Not long after getting a pizza and starting to watch TV, my phone beeped with an offer for the Fez Club, and not needing much to bend my rubber arm, it wasn't long until I was queueing up to get into the Fez, before heading round to Clapham.

Fez Club

Just been at home today taking it easy, which seems to be a common trend for a Sunday. Once it warms up a bit, can actually start doing something, like cycling, but for now the thought of anything but a lazy Sunday at home tends to go unnoticed.

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -