Unfortunately our Christmas party never actually happening on Monday. The weather turned pretty bad and the snow increased which meant those few people out of London couldn't get in, and those people in London but living outside decided to go home early before getting stuck in town. So decided to cancel it and those few of us left landed up at the pub, where it was warm and dry. So not nearly as exciting as it was meant to be.
Yesterday was just a slow day at work. Nobody was really in the mood to get any work done, especially with a total lack of turn out at work and the upcoming December holidays just around the corner.
Today's my last day of work for 2009, and actually get to work from home today. And by work from home, I take it as 'do something if my phone rings' and using it to catch up on things needing to get done. Got my train booked for half six this evening up to Derby and cannot wait to leave - a week of relaxing, eating and drinking, and hopefully lots of snow.