Posted on Saturday, December 12, 2009:

Last night after finishing work, heading home and getting something to eat, I made my way over to Greenwich and met up with Gav and others to his place. We knocked back a few beers, and then made our way towards the O2 and onto matter who were hosting Ram Records for the night. We probably got in closer to midnight, and left there around 6 this morning - in time to catch the Jube home.

Ram at Matter

Ram at MatterRam at Matter
Ram at MatterRam at Matter
Ram at MatterRam at Matter

The above pictures are all off the matter photo gallery, how I do wish I could photos like that! It's taken me months and months to get to matter, but sure glad I made there - what an incredible club, and night. On the down side, did nothing but catch up on sleep today, so not a very proactive weekend, but today's laziness sure made up for last night!

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -