Posted on Sunday, October 11, 2009:

Friday was just the usual 'Friday-after-work-drinks' which is way too common and popular over here. But always a good end to the working week, and a good moan about work I guess.

Pint of Beer

Then yesterday was our Christmas holiday planning day. We met up at B@1 in Clapham Junction for some half price cocktails and a plan to discuss our Christmas holiday. Currently, it looks like it'll be Paul, Carol, Sam, Marina, Haig and myself going up. It was mainly just deciding budget and where to go etc. I think all went according to plan. What didn't go according to plan were the 'stronger than you think' cocktails, following by a night at the Clapham Grand... good times!

Be at OneClapham Grand Dance Floor

Today was a slow day around the house. Popped out around lunch time for an amazing greasy chicken and bacon sandwich. Always a classic. And now this week is definitely going to be focused on sport and healthier living!

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -