Posted on Sunday, October 4, 2009:

On Wednesday after work I met up with the folks at Waxy's (just can't break away from the Irish) nearby Leicester Square for a cold pint before taking a walk through a busy and bustling Piccadilly Circus, as well as a quick shop at Lillywhites. Thursday we just kept it local down at The Railway for their good value for money Curry Club night. The Friday night was yet another night at The Railway for their pint & a burger deal, followed by a couple down at the Boathouse and then one last one at The Fox.

Waxy O ConnorsThe Boathouse

Wetherspoons Curry Club

Yesterday morning we headed out east, via the DLR towards Shadwell, for a pub lunch at the Prospect of Whitby - a historic pub on the banks of the Thames at Wapping. It lays claim to being the site of the oldest riverside tavern, dating back from 1520. We had a couple of pints there, as well as fish & chips for lunch.

The Prospect of WhitbyDad and Me at Prospect of Whitby
Fish and Chips For LunchHanging Noose

After lunch, we caught a bus over to Greenwich and took a walk through the Market as well as Greenwich Park. We followed that up by heading back into town and walk around Covent Gardens and then down to Trafalgar Square, where the 'One & Other' public art project was still running, on the 4th plinth. For a hundred consecutive days, 2400 selected members of the public spent one hour on the plinth and were allowed to do anything they wish to and could take anything with them that they could carry unaided. Then today we made our way over to Speakers Corner, near Marble Arch, and while mom did her last bit of shopping down Oxford Street, dad and I listened to a bunch of fools arguing their own viewpoints with each other. Always good entertainment.

The 4th Plinth Trafalgar Square

Speakers CornerSpeakers CornerSpeakers Corner

Unfortunately, as all good things have to come to an end, so has their visit over here. After the afternoon in town, we headed home, some last minute packing, then off to Heathrow to bid them farewell. It's always ridiculous how quickly time flies - it was just like yesterday I was sitting hungover on the Piccadilly Line heading out to meet them at the airport. But was no doubt a really good couple of weeks over here.

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -