Posted on Friday, September 11, 2009:

The first day back to work after a nice long holiday is never going to be fun one, unless you time it right like I did. First day back happened to be our summer party, which involved a day in the sun, narrow canal boats along the Oxford Canal and a beer or two along the way. We caught a minibus up to Oxford, where we were briefed on how to control/steer the boats and what to do and not to do. Then the festivities started...

Work Summer Party 09Work Summer Party 09
Work Summer Party 09Work Summer Party 09

Work Summer Party 09

The weather was perfect for boating, and a nice welcome back to the UK after the couple of weeks in the Mediterranean sun. We spent the first part of the morning sailing down river until lunch time, where we moored the boat, had lunch at the pub thereby, and then sailed back in the afternoon. After getting back to London, the remaining few of us headed to the pub to finish off with another few cold ones. And now back at the office today...

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -