Posted on Saturday, August 29, 2009:

Yesterday morning the only thing planned was to check out of the hotel. I used that time to do a bit of sightseeing around Naples, which wasn't the most impressive city I've seen - it did have some impessive, old buildings around the city centre, but at the end of the day it's just another big city - nothing quite like Amalfi or Taormina.

Una HotelChurch of San Francesco Di Paola

Da Michele Pizzeria

We caught the bus around midday and heading cross county to Bari, on the Italian east coast. We had a couple of hours to wait, which we used to get a late lunch / early dinner, before boarding the 'Superfast Ferry' for the overnight cruise to Patras.

Superfast I FerryCrossing the Adriatic

Crossing the Adriatic

We arrived at the port of Patras about midday today and caught (yet another) bus from the port to central Athens, which was right where the hostel was positioned. After checking into the hostel, a brief walk around the city, dinner at a restaurant recommended by the hostel, I finished the evening off with a few cold beers up the roof bar of the hostel - which looked across to the Acropolis, beautifully lit up at night. Then got the whole of tomorrow to see what we can of Athens.

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from Athens, Greece -