Posted on Monday, June 22, 2009:

Not a lot been happening over the past couple of weeks. I've managed to cycle in most days over the past two weeks, which is a good 9 miles each way, each day. Then did a bit more riding over the previous weekend, a bit of on-road and off-road stuff. All in good cause though for a bit of training for the big London to Brighton ride.

Cycling in LondonLondon Bus Close Up

Otherwise still keeping with the squash in the evenings, mostly twice a week if I can. And last Friday went out for a couple of end-of-week beers at the Ace Cafe in north London.

Ace CafeAce Cafe

On Saturday we went down to the Putney Walkabout to watch the first of the Lions test matches against South Africa, where SA beat the Lions 26-21. I had a fairly quiet one down at the Walkies, considering yesterday was the big 56 mile (91 km) London to Brighton cycle ride. It went well, took it fairly slowly the whole way, but had a good day out on the bike. Finished it in 5 hours, 38 minutes but did manage to complete Ditchling Beacon without needing to stop and rest. Next year's goal is to do it in an hour less.

My BikeLondon To Brighton Finish Line

London To Brighton Route Planner

My knees are aching a fair bit today, but think the worst is still to come. I've got squash again tonight, so should be alright. No rest for the wicked they say...

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -