Posted on Monday, December 8, 2008:

Well, after a massive weekend here, I'm as sick as anything. I think a combination of not being that well last week, a couple of midweek gigs, then a non stop weekend. But I guess (somehow) it's all worth it.

So after meeting up with Keith of Thursday evening, we grabbed a kebab and then a few beers at our place. Having work the next morning meant a fairly quiet one. Friday evening I left work and went straight home, got some pizza and had a few cold ones waiting for me in the lounge. Nice. After some beer and pizza, we all missioned down to the Boathouse for a couple of hours, then across to Earlsfield to a birthday party, then finally down to Wimbledon to a club which never happened.

Me and KeithThe Boathouse
Luke Heather Jean Tony and MickKeith and Tony Sleeping Warm

Saturday morning started off with a full English breakfast down by the high street. Always a good way to kick start the day. Went into town that afternoon for a few hours - was the Oxford Street traffic pedestrian weekend where no traffic was allowed, hence the thousands and thousands of shoppers there. That evening, we all went out to Mirch Masala - a really good curry house in Tooting. After dinner, we popped over to Balham, to the Bedford for a few, and then up to Clapham, to the White House which stayed open til about 3am.

Everyone at Mirch MasalaOutside Mirch Masala
The BedfordThe White House Clapham

Yesterday morning, again, we started off with a full English breakfast and stayed around Putney for most of the morning, and then my place for a bit of the afternoon. Keith had his flight late afternoon, but always tends to take a while getting to the airport, and left mid afternoon to catch his flight. Other than being sick now, was a wicked weekend and good to catch up with Keithy again!

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -