Posted on Sunday, November 30, 2008:

Compared to last weekend, had a rather quiet couple of days yesterday and today. Went for a cycle yesterday afternoon out to Balham first and then out via Richmond and Kingston and Teddington. Done that loop quite a few times now, and always makes for a good ride. Feels like you're quite a bit out of London, not a half hour bike ride.

This evening was Jimmy Carr's new show - Joke Technician. Met up with Will at Brixton this evening for a pre-beer at one of pubs near the station, then onto the academy for Jimmy's show.

Jimmy Carr at Brixton

Jimmy Carr Poster

Think this is about the 3rd time I've seen him live - and still love his stand up shows. And still my top British comedian!

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -