Posted on Sunday, November 2, 2008:

Thursday was yet another work leaving party, this time just at our local where we had hired out the top section for a night of karaoke. Seem to be making a habit of this karaoke story. Was definitely a good night out, followed by a decision to continue the night at the Roxy, which was great at the time. It was getting home close to 4am that wasn't so great.


So without needing much more of a reason, Friday night was spent at home, relaxing on the couch, doing very little. Definitely not able to do these big nights one after each other than I used to. All well :(

Yesterday was absolutely miserable weather - cold, continuous rain, wind and more rain. So not much got done. We did have to do some clothes shopping for last night's pink-themed party at Mick's place. So Primark got a visit from us and probably hasn't sold that much pink in one go in a long time. Was a good party - everything and everyone was in pink, including all the food and snacks.

Mick Kate Lauren Luke and MeWarren Luke Mick Me Kate and Lauren

Then today was another fairly easy day. The shi weather outside definitely makes the decision to stay indoors that much easier. Watched the grand prix this afternoon, and that's about all I felt like doing all day :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -