Posted on Sunday, October 5, 2008:

So after what seemed like forever and a day, Friday eventually came to an end, and without skipping a beat, we hit the pub for a couple of quick ones after work, you know, for old times sake. No more than a couple there, before missioning on over to meet up with the folks near Piccadilly Circus, for another beer or two, and something to eat.

Picadilly Circus at Night

Yesterday was, unfortunately, their last day in London. I guess all good things have to come to an end sometime. No matter what, out of all things to complain about, the weather definitely wasn't one of them. Three weeks of perfect weather, best we've had in the last couple of months I'm sure. So yesterday was spent very local, around Putney and Wandsworth, in and out of the shops, malls and pubs. Then went through to the airport last night to see them off.

I had picked up what felt like the start of flu, so my intention was to head straight home and get some sleep. But, knowing my housemates and their mates were all out in Hammersmith at the Southern Belle pub, it seemed wrong to pass their on the tube and not stop and say hi. And that was all, just a hi. Then straight home.

Skip a few hours.


It's now 2am, early hours of Sunday morning, and after a good night of karaoke, playing pool and some beer - we're all the night bus heading home via the kebab store. So much for straight home :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -