Posted on Sunday, September 14, 2008:

An early start to the day today, leaving home at 7am to be at Heathrow by about 8ish. Met up with mom and dad as planned, and then headed back to Putney. After dropping their bags and a coffee, we headed up into Waterloo and just like yesterday, another good day of weather. Today was also the second day of the mayor's Thames festival around the South Bank. We spent a couple of hours around the festival, then caught a boat cruise down the Thames towards Greenwich, via the Thames Barrier.

Thames Festival 2008Thames Boat Cruise
Tower Bridge from BoatTower of London from the Boat
Thames BarrierView from Top of Greenwich Hill

We stopped for a beer in Greenwich, and then back into London bridge, where we spent the next few hours until the fireworks at about 9pm. The fireworks were all set off from a barge on the Thames, from two separate platforms. Both sets of fireworks were identical, and were brilliantly synchronized - a mirror of each other. They went on for ages - and were amazing, shown here:

Thames Festival 2008 FireworksThames Festival 2008 Fireworks

Straight after the fireworks, we left town and headed home after a long day around town and the festival. Unfortunately don't have much leave to my name, so got to work most of this week, but have a few days off starting Friday. But will be meeting up with the folks in the evenings, so that should work out quite well.

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -