Posted on Saturday, September 13, 2008:

Well, haven't been up to that much since getting back from Spain - mainly in and around London... basically a combination of work, squash and the occasional beer here and there. For the past few days, we've had amazing weather in London, as well as the rest of the country. Today was especially good, and just too good to be inside for the day. A bunch of us headed down to Wandsworth Park, armed with some beers, a cricket bat, a ball and frisbee. Landed up spending the whole afternoon down in the park, getting back a bit earlier for something to eat.

Wandsworth ParkWandsworth Park

It's apparently meant to be the same weather tomorrow as it was today, which is good news with mom and dad arriving - a nice early start tomorrow to be at Heathrow by 8am :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -