Posted on Sunday, June 15, 2008:

Had quite a Japanese oriented weekend this one just gone by. On Friday evening, a crowd of us met up and went for dinner at Benihana, a rather fancy Japanese restaurant near Piccadilly Circus. The style of food was Teppanyaki, where the food is cooked on a hot plate in front of you. Had a really good meal there, and the whole dinner preparation was more of a show than a wait.

Last night was DJ Kentaro, from Japan. He was playing at Cargo near Old Street, was spent most of the evening out there. His set was only at 00h30, so by the time he finished at around 2am, began somewhat of a mission getting home from north London down to SW15.

Dj Kentaro

Today was a rather relaxed day at home. Did very little, just as Sunday's were intended :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -