At last, some good weather in London. And actually proper weather - no clouds, good sun and max temperatures in their 20s. Let's just hope this lasts.
Getting into the cycling to work now - quite pleasant in the morning without the rain. And found myself a nice cycling route, mostly through the quieter suburban streets, then a good stretch through Hyde Park, and then the last stretch into work. And still around 45 minutes door to door, much the same as the train, but without the crowds :)
Work lunch was good today - since this weather may not last, we decided to get our lunch and sit in the park nearby and eat there, and catch some sun and outdoors weather. Certainly beats sitting inside watching the rain and wind outside!
Let's just hope it lasts (but I still have my doubts). For now, looking forward to a summer of barbeques, daylight til 10pm, beer gardens and generally some more time outdoors :) Good times...